
Travel Notes: Venice

Qm Primavera 2016-2017

Qm  Nivell Quadrimestral Núm. màxim d'estudiants
Prerequisits Idioma


20 Anglès

Codi Crèdits Distribució (T, P, L) Departament H/s treball estudiant
290123 5 ECTS T (2) +  L (3) CA

Dia d'impartició Hora d'impartició Núm. de setmanes

Friday, February 24, March 24 and 31, and April 21

           from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4


Professor Responsable Josep Maria Garcia                                                              
Altres Professors


The goal is to understand and explore the potential of travel in the education of an architect and the development of an architectural career. To this aim the course will discuss the architect gaze through the analysis of the work and travels of different architects scattered from different historical moments but coincident in one specific and shared site or city visited by all of them, and will culminate on a trip to this site.


Subject abstract

Travel is an essential asset in the education of architects and the shaping of an architectural taste. The experience of and visit to architecture becomes a necessary step towards the construction of a personal and original interpretation of existing architectures used as a ground for the own architectural construction, because, indeed, architecture is unavoidable an intellectual and cultural construction deeply related to and dialogical with the architectural debates expanding through history. Therefore, travel and its associated experience becomes a turning point in the formation of architects and the shaping of architectural debates. As it is has been the cases for most of architects and architecture debates along centuries –from Michelangelo to Bernini, Le Corbusier or Louis Khan. The first edition of this course will deal about Rome.

Resultats d'aprenentatge: en acabar l'estudiant ha de ser capaç de:

  • Awareness on the importance of trip in the education of architects and their essential role in architecture education.
  • Research techniques and skills.
  • Improve their knowledge on the history of architecture and its role in architectural practice.
  • Improve skills to read and interpret architecture and art works.
  • To learn the essentials of heritage debates and preservation.
  • To learn the essentials of the contemporary roots of travel and tourism.
  • To discuss and argue about both historical and contemporary architectural debates.
  • Presentation and publication techniques and skills.
  • Ability to learn trough travel and its planning.




The foundation and construction of Venice.


The Palladian imaginary.


 The Fall of the Republic, "The Stones of Venice" and Ruskin.


 20th Century Architecture.


 Venice Syndrome – Venice and Mass Tourism.


 Workshop – Trip preparation.


 Trip to Venice.

Sistema d'avaluació

Attendance and participation in the course’s discussion: 20%.

Research and contribution to one of the lectures: 40%. Presentations will be discussed with tutors in advance during the first teaching week.

Guidebook/Personal Sketchbook: 40%.


