
Anupama Kundoo


Building Knowledge. Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia. 31 d'octubre, Auditorium 19'30 h.

Anupama Kundoo graduated in 1989 from Sir J.J. College of Architecture, Bombay. She began her own practice in Auroville. Between 1992- 1996 she worked in Berlin, focusing in on social housing. Since 1996 she continued her independent practice in India. In 1999 she completed a research fellowshi

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“Urban Eco-Community: Design and Analysis for Sustainability” at the Vastu Shilpa Foundation, Ahmedabad. From 2002-2004, she was “Sustainable Design Consultant” to ICAEN, for a European Commission Project, in partnership with the municipalities of

London and the state of Haryana in India. In 2008 she completed her PhD at the TU Berlin. She has edited a sustainable building design manual and has authored a book “Roger Anger: Research on Beauty”. She has taught in various schools such as the AA London, TU Darmstadt and TU Berlin and she currently teaches at Parsons New School of Design, New York and the University of Queensland, Brisbane.