
Jury Arquitectura Paramètrica 2015


10 de juny a les 16:30h a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV.

The school of architecture ETSAV and Parametric Architecture teachers kindly invite the academic and industry community to the final jury and public exhibition. 
The subject focuses on the theory and practice of performance-driven design for enhancing technological solutions. This 2015 course targets the function integration in complex interior furbishing, through efficient digital fabrication from standard systems and boards. 
The course is in the framework of a research collaboration with Decustik company specialized in digital fabrication custom designs. 

For the public presentation we count on a mixed special guest jury including the industry partner Kim Feixas and Josep Vila (Decustik), digital luthier Juan Pablo Quintero (Medio Design), acoustic consultant Diego Lacal Alonso (Modelo Acustica) and Parametric Architecture master projects coordinators Amadeu Santacana and Rosa Rull. 

Wednesday the 10th at 16.30 at Etsav Auditorium 
There will be expanding timbers, fuzzy foams and sparkling refreshments.