
Tesi Doctoral: Teaching Sustainability. Living Labs in Architecture


L'investigador Torsten Masseck llegeix el divendres 5 de febrer la Tesi a les 12:30h a la sala d'actes de l'ETSAV

31 gener 2016

Teaching Sustainability. Living Labs in Architecture 
Torsten Masseck 

A framework proposal for Living Lab ecosystems for teaching, research and innovation in the field of sustainable architecture and ESD in higher education. Specific case study: Living Lab LOW3 (UPC-BarcelonaTech)

Director: Albert Cuchí Burgos

Werner Lang (TUM Munich)
Jordi Segalàs (Institut de Sostenibilitat)
Christa Liedtke (Wuppertal Inst)

Dia i hora de lectura: 05/02/2016 a les 12:30
Lloc: sala d'actes de l'ETSAV 

Programa: Doctorat en Sostenibilitat