
Conferència 'The hitchhiker's Guide to Geometry'


Dijous, 27 d'abril a les 10:30h, a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV (Sant Cugat)

24 abril 2017


The UPC School Master's degree Parametric Design in Archicture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Archicture are very pleased to invite you to the open lecture with Dragos Iulian Naicu The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Geometry. The conference will be held on Thursday, April 27th, at 10:30h in ETSAV's Assembly Hall.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Geometry
in about 42 images

This lecture will attempt to show how knowledge of geometry is still the best foundation for design in the age of computing and is actually the common denominator that lies at the basis of all design. Looking at built examples as well as taking inspiration from natural forms, concepts of geometry are introduced to help in our understanding of shells, gridshells and other special structural systems that rely on their shape in order to perform.

Dragos Iulian Naicu
BEng MPhil PhD

Dragos is working as Computational Design Specialist for Bollinger+Grohmann Ingenieure in Berlin with a focus on structural engineering and parametric workflow development. Dragos completed his PhD in Civil Engineering as well as a research focused master program at the University of Bath. He is mainly interested in the way geometry and structural performance are linked in many applications, as well as improving workflow aspects in modern building design.

His research involved the design and analysis of gridshells, developable surfaces and tall buildings, with emphasis on form emergence out of natural systems of rules through mathematics and computation. He has taught computational design workshops at the University of Innsbruck, Chalmers University, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles and the University of Stuttgart. He has designed two timber gridshells in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and was invited to research new concepts for tall buildings by HENN Architects in Berlin, as part of DRX2013.