
Conferència de Charlie Sutherland


Dilluns, 8 maig, 18:00h, a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV (Sant Cugat)

3 maig 2017


Dilluns 8 de maig tindrà lloc una conferència de Charlie Sutherland, a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV a les 18h de la tarda. És organitzada per la IASAP, l'escola d'arquitectura de la Universitat d'Illinois ubicada a l'ETSAV.


Between definite and in-finite

The work of Sutherland Hussey Harris

Charlie Sutherland founding director of a SUHUHA refl ects on 25 years of practice and, through a range of projects, explores the recurring themes and ideas behind their work. ‘Architects tend to live in a world between the real and the imagined, the tangible realities of what a client requires and the intangible qualities of what the Architect might hope to realise. From a tiny shelter on the island of Tiree to a City Museum in Sichuan China, the balance between the defi nite and the in-fi nite qualities of a project is an enduring theme in our work.’