
To Compute To Craft


Dimarts 24 d'octubre de 2017, a les 11:00 a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV, conferència a càrrec d'Alison Grace Martin organitzada pel MPDA Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture.

The UPC School MPDA Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Archicture are very pleased to invite you to the next Master open lecture with Alison Martin To compute To craft. The conference will be hold on Tuesday, October 24th, at 11:00h in ETSAV's Assembly Hall.

To Compute. To Craft

Alison Grace Martin

Alison Grace Martin is an independent researcher studying natural structures and complex patterns in nature and applying the findings to design and construction concepts. She runs courses in UK and European universities on experimental methods in form-finding, and especially in weaving techniques.

Her investigation into traditional weaving techniques has lead to developing weaving patterns which are related to topology and materials geometry. She studied at Exeter College of Art and St. Martin's College of Art and Design, graduating in Graphic Design in 1979.