MPDA Open Lecture: Geometry after expertise
Dimarts 20 de febrer de 2018, a les 11h a la sala d'actes de l'ETSAV, conferència a càrrec de Xavier Aguiló Aran, organitzada pel MPDA Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture.
El màster MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture de la UPC i l'ETSAV es complauen de convidar-vos a la propera conferència oberta del màster que se celebrarà el dimarts, 20 de febrer, a les 11:00h a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV.
The UPC School MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Archicture are very pleased to invite you to the next Master's open lecture to be held on Tuesday, February 20th, at 11:00h in ETSAV's Assembly Hall.
Geometry after expertise
Xavier Aguiló
Xavier Aguiló Aran studied Industrial Engineering in Spain specializing in Architectural Structures. He qualified as a Master Engineer in 1999, whilst working with BAC Barcelona as structural consultant, He become an Associate in 2001 and then Director in 2007 responsible for their Madrid office. He is partner, a member of the main board and is Deputy Building GM in BAC. In 2014 he finishes MAMD.
Since 2014, he has been working with evolve developing their alliance with BAC and managing their collaboration projects. He currently teaches Structures in the School of Architecture in the European University of Madrid as well as in the AA school of architecture in TS2 and TS4. He is especially interested in sustainable architecture and expressed structures, and has been fortunate to work on many striking buildings over the last 20 years.
He is responsible for many specialist fields within the business including CFD Analysis and wind modelling both for structural performance and personal comfort. He is member of: EIC, CTBUH, ACIES and AQPE.
