MPDA Open Lecture: Computation, The Unifier of Disciplines
Dimarts 20 de març de 2018, a les 11h a la sala d'actes de l'ETSAV, conferència a càrrec de Cecilie Brandt-Olsen, organitzada pel MPDA Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture
El màster MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture de la UPC i l'ETSAV es complauen de convidar-vos a la propera conferència oberta del màster que se celebrarà el dimarts, 20 de març, a les 11:00h a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV.
The UPC School MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Archicture are very pleased to invite you to the next Master's open lecture to be held on Tuesday, March 20th, at 11:00am in ETSAV's Assembly Hall.
Computation, The Unifier of Disciplines
Cecile Brandt-Olsen
Cecilie Brandt-Olsen is a structural engineer specialised in computational design. The relationship between geometry and structural performance has been one of the main focus areas during his studies.
Cecilie is passionate about non-standard projects with a need to improve existing workflows and develop innovative solutions using cutting edge technology. She has a keen interest in using parametric design approaches to make structural engineering an integral part of the early stage design and thereby enable more informed decisions to be made and structurally elegant solutions to evolve.
