
MPDA Open Lecture: Particles, Neurons and Zebras


Dijous 7 de juny de 2018, a les 19:30h a la sala CRITT c2 de l'ETSAV, conferència a càrrec de Benjamin Felbrich, organitzada pel MPDA Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture


El màster MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture de la UPC i l'ETSAV es complauen de convidar-vos a la propera conferència oberta del màster que se celebrarà el dijous, 7 de juny, a les 19:30h a la sala CRITT c2 de l'ETSAV.

The UPC School MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Archicture are very pleased to invite you to the next Master's open lecture with Benjamin Felbrich Particles, Neurons and Zebras. The conference will be hold on Thursday, June 7th, at 19:30h in CRITT c2.


Particles, Neurons and Zebras

Benjamin Felbrich is a Research Associate and PhD Candidate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
During his studies of architecture at Dresden University of Technology, Germany, Benjamin spent an extended period working for Pritzker Price laureate B.V. Doshi in Ahmedabad, India where he developed a deep interest in parametric design and computational form finding. After another work stay at Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart, Germany, he graduated with an award-winning scientific diploma thesis in which he developed a folding robotic multi-agent system. Since joining ICD in 2014, he worked on bio-inspired robotic 3D-printing, multi-machine fabrication of a large scale CFRP structure through autonomously collaborating robots and drones, physics simulation in CAD Software and artificial intelligence. Since 2016 he has been developing the physics simulation engine FlexHopper and the GPU-based AI engine Crow.

Benjamin has a profound interest in high performance computation for design applications, robotic fabrication systems and machine communication infrastructures.