
MPDA Open Lecture: From Designing Buildings to Softwares


Dimarts, 12 de març de 2019, a les 11h, conferència de Nicolas Sénémaud, organitzada pel Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture.


Des del MPDA Màster en Disseny Paramètric a l'Arquitectura, de la UPC School, us convidem, el dimarts 12 de març, a les 11h a la sala d'actes de l'ETSAV, a la conferència oberta:

The UPC School MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Architecture are very pleased to invite you to the next Master's open lecture to be held on Tuesday, 12 March, at 11:00h in ETSAV's Assembly Hall:

From Designing Buildings to Softwares
Nicolas Sénémaud

Nicolas Sénémaud, from Dassault Systèmesis an architect by training, specialized in BIM and parametric modeling who worked in several offices both in Asia and Europe. He joined Dassault Systemes as a Consultant for emerging technologies for the CCT industry (Construction City and Territory).