
RE_side: Revisiting Modern (sub)-urbanity International workshop in Milan (intensiva)

Qm Primavera 2012-2013

Qm Nivell Quadrimestral Núm. màxim d'estudiants Idioma Prerequisits
P 7-10 10 Anglès TAP VI

Codi Crèdits Distribució (T, P, L) Departament H/s treball estudiant
 28980 4,5 (3,5 ECTS)  4,5 T UOT  60

Dia d'impartició Hora d'impartició Núm de setmanes
Del 25 de febrer al 5 de març de 2013 10:00 - 18:00 2


Professor Responsable Adolf Sotoca Garcia
Altres professors  Xavier Matilla

  • Apprenticeship in Urban Renewal Project
  • Training in group-working with transnational partners
  • Awareness about the housing question in European Cities periphery
  • Introduction to environmental issues in urban renewal processes

Subject abstract

From 1945 to 1965 three quarters of urbanized land in Europe was addressed to residential uses (Housing States, Dispersed City and spontaneous marginal urbanization). This unprecedented phenomena produced a great impact in the periphery of many European cities, where usually there’s a lack of basic conditions for urbanity and environmental balance.

Today, once the ferocious postmodern criticism to Modernism has been overcome, conditions for improvement and recovery of these outer territories need to be established. The commonly spread metropolitan scope of European cities become the opportunity to rethink some of the housing projects produced in Europe during the post-war period. Topics such as functional metropolitan complexity, relation to new infrastructures or environmental responsibility will be the main stream of design criteria for future interventions in these neighbourhoods.

From February 25th 2to March 5th 2013 the fourth edition of Eco-Rehab workshop, to be celebrated in the Italian city of Milan, will face the challenge of revisiting the most remarkable episodes of Mass Housing States in the periphery of north Italian metropolis.

Students and professors from several European Universities will be committed with the proposal of specific strategies of intervention.

On February 6th, at 16:00 (Aula A1), the responsible professor Adolf Sotoca and Xavi Matilla, will explain all details of the international Workshop. Those students interested, please attend to the session!!!!

Resultats d'aprenentatge. En acabar l'assignatura l'estudiant ha de ser capaç de:
  • Apprenticeship in group where members have diverse origins and approaches to the issue.
  • Knowledge of low density processes in Europe and specifically in Barcelona Metropolitan Area.
  • Knowledge of best practices in Urban Renewal processes in Europe. Consideration of environmental items as main vector of Rehabilitation in low density areas.
  • Basic knowledge of urban management (phasing in time, actors involved in urban renewal).
  • Synthetically and graphically transmit urban proposals with diverse scales and levels of complexity.

1 Lecture: After the Project. Mass Housing Estates in Barcelona
2 Lecture: Future of the cities – cities of future. Barcelona low density metropolitan area
3 Lecture: Uphill neighborhoods. From marginalization to monument.
4 Lecture: Polish Case Studies
5 Lecture: Romanian Case Studies
6 Lecture: German Case Studies
7 Lecture: Italian Case Studies
8 Workshop

Mètode d'avaluació

The workshop will be structured in working groups of 1 tutor and 5 students coming from different universities (Krakow, Bucharest, Milan, Frankfurt and Vallès). Each group will be asked to produce an specific proposal for one of the provided sites. The closing day of workshop an External Jury will review the proposals. Qualification will be obtained according to the Jury’s evaluation and the personal involvement of the student in the workshop. The subject will be given entirely in English. Good language skills are necessary to be take part into the workshop and the preliminary works.