Portfolio construction & design
Qm Tardor 2014-2015
Qm | Nivell Quadrimestral | Núm. màxim d'estudiants | Prerequisits | Idioma |
T-P | 5-10 (Pla 94) 7-10 Grau |
30 | Anglès/Cas/Cat |
Codi | Crèdits | Distribució (T,P,L) | Departament | Tipus | H/s treball estudiant |
290175 | 3 (2,5 ECTS) | 3L | CA | Opt | 4 |
Dia | Horari | Núm. Setmanes |
Dilluns (Monday) | 16:00 - 19:00 | 10 setmanes |
Professor responsable | Miguel Usandizaga |
Altres professors Altres col·laboradors |
Marta Serra, Lluïsa Amat, Pere Pau Soley, AAUPC |
Learning of e-portfolio design and construction. Learning of basic knowledge for the edition of graphic and written documents in the web. Learning of search and use of information in the web. Learning of fundamental conventions for university writting. Learning of elemental procedures for the presentation of projects in the web. Learning of criteria for curriculum vitae writing. Practice of publishing and maintaining a web site. |
Subject abstract
The mai aim of this course is allowing to build their own electronic portfolio. this portfolio has to include texts written following academic rules, projects and graphic material, as well as curriculum vitae. it has also to respect the questions of intellectual property and ethic use of information. |
Resultats d'aprenentatge. En acabar l'assignatura l'estudiant ha de ser capaç de:
1 | Presentation basic html 1. Building and modifying a website. |
2 | Basic HTML 2. Structuring a website. |
3 | Basic css. Using style sheets. |
4 | Portfolio. Design and construction. |
5 | Curriculum vitae. |
6 | Search and use of information in the web. |
7 | Writing at the university. |
8 | Academic papers. |
9 | Portfolio at the university. |
10 | Presentation and discussion of results. |
Mètode d'avaluació
Based on portfolio. |
Enllaç a la bibliografia
