
Exploring Architectural Media & Architectural Video Documentary

Codi UPC: 290285


Càrrega lectiva: 3 ECTS
Begins: Friday, February 21, 2025 at 10:00h to 13:00h

Ends: Friday, May 12, 2025

 Weekly: Fridays, from 10:00h to 13:00h or 15:00 to 18:00  (see dates below)

6 session* (Architectural Drawing) , on the following days: February 21 (10:00 to 13:00h) ,  February 28  (10:00 to 13:00h), March 7 (15:00 to 18:00h), March 28 (10:00 to 13:00h), April 4 (10:00 to 13:00h), April 25 (10:00 to 18:00h), May 12 (the class session schedule on May 12 may change and move to the afternoon)

                Monday, from 10:00h to 13:00h

3 sessions (Video Documentary Workshop) , on the following days: February 24, April 7, May 12 (the class session schedule on May 12 may change and move to the afternoon)

Note (*): Only a few activities will take place at ETSAV (for example, course presentation and supporting lectures/sessions). Most of the activities of this course will take place outdoors at places to be decided by the teachers.

Places ETSAV: 7
Places incomings
: 5

Professorat: Raimon Farré, Guillem Bosch. (Coordinator course A. Lapunzina)
Departament753 - Tecnologia a l'Arquitectura, 752 - Representacions arquitectòniques
Assignatura vinculada al programa Illinois Architecture Study Abroad program at Barcelona – El Vallès IASAP


This course is oriented to the development of an understanding of architecture as a discipline of critical thought and creative reflection through development of elements of observation and analysis.

It consists of one module (Friday mornings) dedicated to A rchitectural  Drawing, and a partially associated workshop on Video Documentary. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to develop a critical sense of seeing, exploring and understanding buildings and places of architectural interest.

The A rchitectural Drawing is taught by B. Bosch and R. Farré; This is a workshop in which techniques of representation and analysis of spaces and buildings will be explored.

The AVideo Documentary Workshop is an independent module taught by Jorn Kolijn . This is a workshop that includes the production of a short documentary about a building to be defined by the teacher in video format.

Participation Requirements

  • Subject in English; A fluent command of English is essential.
  • Class attendance is mandatory and for the total length of each of the classes. A maximum of one unexcused absence is accepted.  The second unexcused absence implies suspension of the subject.
  • Students with schedule conflicts with other subjects that may affect their active and in-person participation in all the proposed activities are not accepted.


Consulta aquí la guia docent de l'assignatura