
Barcelona, its history and its architecture

Codi UPC: 290260

Càrrega lectiva: 5,5 ECTS

Sessions teòriques: Dimarts i divendres , de 9:30 a 13:00

Visites: dimarts i divendres d de de 9:30 a 13:00

Els estudiants de l'ETSAV opcionalment podràn fer totes les visites en un dia complet en una data a decidir.

Presentació final: data a definir

Dates : the course will be offered on the following dates (generally Tuesdays and Fridays):

Final presentation of course’s main assignment: (time and exact date to be defined later).

Time: the course will generally meet between 9:30h and 13:00h; lecture session will surely need less time; field trips (visits to buildings, approximately 5 to 7) will likely need the entire time considering travel time from Sant Cugat. 

Places ETSAV: 5
Places incomings
: 7

Professorat: Monica Sambade

Departament756 - Teoria i Història, assignatura vinculada al programa Illinois Architecture Study Abroad program at Barcelona – El Vallès IASAP


 This course will examine the architecture and urban development in Spain during the 20th and 21st centuries, exploring its interpretation within the specific historical and contextual frameworks of the recent past, as well as contemporary artistic phenomena. In doing so, we will sharpen our observational and analytical skills and be able to critique the methods and approaches of architects and artists in the last century. 

Guia docent:

Consult the teaching guide for the subject here