Codi UPC 290253
Transformative learning for a societal model and a personal lifestyle with less environmental
impact is one of the main challenges of our time.
Main objective of the course is to introduce into basic concepts of sustainability by exploring the LOW3 prototype and its proposals in the fields of housing, energy and lifestyle.
The course is based on a mixt learning format, virtual and face-to-face, through combining the
concept of an online course (MOOC) with regular sessions at the Living Lab LOW3 (www.livinglab-low3.blogspot.com).
Exercises of the course are linked to the assessment and improvement of the environmental
impact of housing and lifestyle of the participants and to research projects like the international Sustainable Lifestyles Accelerator project.
The course includes practical project work in the framework of the “Green Office ETSAV”
initiative, focused on the green transformation of the campus (@GoGreenETSAV: new green
communication channel; or Green Campus ETSAV: projects of real transformation of spaces).
Students will participate in these projects in working groups during the semester.
Càrrega lectiva: 5 ECTS
Idioma: Anglès
Horari: dimecres 15.00-18.00h
Places ETSAV: 12
Places incomings: 8
Professorat: Torsten Masseck
Departament: 753 - Tecnologia de l’Arquitectura
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