MPDA Open Lecture: Multi-Scalar Modelling for Building Design
Dimarts 12 de desembre de 2017, a les 11:00 a la Sala d'Actes de l'ETSAV, conferència a càrrec de Paul Poinet organitzada pel MPDA Master's degree on Parametric Design in Architecture.
The UPC School MPDA Master's degree Parametric Design in Architecture and the ETSAV Metropolitan School of Archicture are very pleased to invite you to the next Master's open lecture to be held on Tuesday, December 12th, at 11:00h in ETSAV's Assembly Hall.
Multi-Scalar Modelling
for Building Design
Paul Poinet
Paul Poinet is an architectural designer and graduate from the University of Stuttgart where he obtained a M.Sc. in Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research under the supervision of the Institute of Computational Design (ICD). During his master’s studies, he participated in the design development and construction of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15. Paul is currently a Ph.D. Fellow at the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) and part of the InnoChain Innovative Training Network (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Horizon 2020), collaborating with two industrial partners: Design-To-Production and Buro Happold. His research focuses on Multi-Scalar Modelling concepts and techniques, aiming to provide innovative solutions to some of the current challenges faced during both early design and late stages of large-scale and complex architectural projects.
