Laser cutting service

The laser cutting service is aimed at students, teachers and school staff as well as personnel from external entities. It involves cutting and engraving of pieces using almost any material.

Preparing files. The drawing of the pieces to cut.

With these examples we want to show you the possibilities offered by this tool.

To bring the files to the workshop, you must use this base file. The format should be Autocad 2007 or earlier. The name must be Name_Surname_Phone.dwg ATTENTION NOT ACCEPTED FILES GENERATED WITH EDUCATIONAL LICENSE

Students must do the reservation in person and pay an initial amount of 5€.

Hours of sale of our materials is: Tuesday and Friday from 10.00 to 14.00 hours and laser cutting hours.

The hours of service are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 15.00 to 19.00 and Friday from 10.00 to 14.00.