
File repositories

We offer disk space to users, working teams and/or existing activities to share documents, accessible as network drives (Windows) or from browser. As part of the work environment, users can store documents generated in a network space so that they can be still in case they change their workstation and/or browser. They can also share document with working teams where they belong and activities in which they take part.

Adressed to:

The file repository service for personal, working team and/or activity documents is adressed to research and support staff at ETSAV. This service is also addressed to students, depending on learning needs expressed by the direction team at ETSAV, and to student groups and subjects depending on the needs outlined by our school management.

Service Features:

This service is based on a file server provided by a network storage equipment via Windows Server and/or Linux/SAMBA, and must be accessed using the personal username and password.

Students and research staff:
Linux/SAMBA server with access using the username and password provided by ICT Services ETSAV.
Specific features of personal file repository for students:
  • The disk space available is 40 Mb and is visible once logged in via Z: hard disc unit (Windows) or other kind of units (MacOS and Linux) as well as via sftp or web.
  • On emand, with authorized person permission, repositories for user groups or specific activities shall be created.

Support Staff and school management:
Server group at CPD facilities of CCLAIA with access using the username and password provided by ICT Services ETSAV.

Specific features of personal file repository:
  • The disk space available idue to the user's needs and is visible once the log in to Z: is done (Windows).
  • Group repositories are also provided to the different management departments of ETSAV and to those support staff who may request it.
  • On demand, activity repositories shall be created.
A backup of all the files is done daily (at night) and stored during 30 days.

For more information:
telf:  934 011 037