
E-mail, mailing lists and mailboxes for groups

Communication via e-mail is part of the working environment. This service looks after the processing of requests and inquiries, and the solving of any requests that may occur in these comunications.

Adressed to:
This service is adressed to all the teaching and support members of ETSAV, as well as students, as it follows:


  • ETSAV offers an institutional e-mail account to all students and support staff through institutional UPC mail service.
  • Teaching members have their e-mail accounts managed by their own departments. Therefore, application to the account must be done at their secretary desk.
  • The distribution lists service and institutional addresses are provided to support staff and teachers ETSAV whenever they may need need a mailing list and/or an institutional address as a support tool for their teaching purposes.

Service Features:
ETSAV and UPC Institutional information will be delivered to the mail provided by UPC. In order to be well informed, please check or redirect the messages of this mailbox.

The address format is:
  • For staff: and/or
  • For students:

How to check the mailbox with a browser: More information about UPC e-mail service:
Distribution Lists:
Distribution lists are used to spread relevant information or information about a specific topic all over a group with common interests.
Deliverance to those lists is resticted to authorized persons.
There are differrent kinds of distribution lists:
  • Institutional mailing lists of students:lists for all courses given in the school.
  • Institutional distribution lists of research and support staff:
    • Lists by department.
    • Searchable by the management areas of ETSAV through the intranet.

For questions, and to report problems with UPC mail and distribution lists please contact directly with ATIC:

Office hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 21:00 (summer from 8:00 to 15:00)
Tel. 934 016 213

For questions and troubles with ETSAV mail please contact with CCLAIA:
Tel. 934 011 037