
New Students

We help new students joining the ICT services provided by UPC and in their using during the first steps if needed.

To whom is adressed:
New Students in Sant Cugat UPC Campus
Features of the service

Through this service
students get information about all the systems they haver access to as members of ETSAV and UPC.

ETSAV and Sant Cugat Campus Services


system access description
ATENEA (Virtual Campus) Virtual UPC Campus
ETSAV Website Information related to the school, easy access to directories and direct links to other systems.
Etsav Directory Contact people who work permanently or temporally at ETSAV.


General UPC Services
sistema accés descripció
UPC Website Institucional information, faculty and support staff information, UPC directory...
Wifi Network From any device equipped with wifi connection UPC wireless network, integrated in Eduroam Univ. Network

How to obtain the service

All the students are registered in all these services. No application is needed. 


For More Information:

tel:  934 011 037