
Teaching, Research and Administrative Staff Welcome

Registration to the ICT supplied/managed services is provided, including different internal Campus information functions, to the new PDI (research and teaching staff) and PAS (administrative staff) users of Sant Cugat Campus, as well as any information about informatic resources that they may have access to, as members of the UPC. Basic guidance of use may be provided if needed.

To whom is adressed
New PDI and PAS members of ETSAV, institute offices and researchers related to Sant Cugat Campus of UPC.

Features of the service
Through this service, registration to the different information systems is done and information about application process at Sant Cugat Campus and/or ETSAV give to the new users, as well as available informatic resources for UPC community.
system access description
ATENEA (Virtual Campus) UPC virtual campus environment.
ETSAV Website School information, access to members’ virtual workspaces and links to other systems. institutional mail Access to UPC institutional mail (only for support staff, for researchers and faculty request must be done at their institute office).
Etsav Directory Contact people who work permanently or temporally at ETSAV.
Personal account Personal account, access to printers and file r with backup for use in research development and management tasks.
File Servers and computer rooms access File repository, printing and access to computers in the computer rooms to print and store files and folders safely.
Wifi network From any device equipped with WiFi connection. Access to ETSAV Wireless Network, incorporated in Eduroam University Network.
General UPC Services
system access description
UPC Website Institutional information, Teaching, Research and Administrative staff information, UPC directory...
UPC intranet Network of common UPC intranets: maintenance, software distribution, FENIX, staff...
Wifi Network From any device equipped with WiFi connection. UPC wifi network, incorporated with other universities.

How to obtain the service

In order to get the welcome service, contact CCLaia – Sant Cugat Campus ICT department
email: (with message subject: New PDI/PAS user)
tel: 934 011 037

or personally at CCLAIA facilities.


For More Information:

tel:  934 011 037